Every game with sounds has at least one volume slider in the options, sometimes more.
I want to implement volume controls in my game but there appears to be no way to do this.
I have looked at Sound Classes which look great for setting up groups and default values, but there’s no way to access them in real-time to alter volume.
I’ve seen Rama’s name popup all over the place, this pack looks great, hopefully they can integrate some of the less niche nodes directly into the engine. “Victory Sound Volume Change” was exactly what I needed to solve my problem, thanks! (and thanks Rama)
if you want a blueprint solution, Rama has some useful sound blueprint nodes in his VictoryPlugin. inside VictoryBPFunctionLibrary you can find VictorySoundVolumeChange and VictoryGetSoundVolume.
It works for windows, but not for Android, and I doubt IOS (untested because I can’t build for IOS)
I get this error:
clang++.exe: error: no such file or directory: 'C:/Program Files/Epic Games/4.8/Engine/Plugins/VictoryPlugin/Binaries/Android/UE4-VictoryBPLibrary-armv7-es2.a'
Hey @Taisaku, this is almost a year old, but did you ever overcome the error you were receiving when packaging for android? I’m running into the exact same thing now and can’t seem to find a solution.