Massive RAM usage on mostly empty level


I have noticed, that in my project the memory usage is quite high. I have a mostly empty level for boot up into the engine and the memory goes nearly to 10GB.

I tried to reduce textures and reduce references but had only small impact on the main memory usage. So it must be something else.

Could it be a problem that i have some load issuses on startup?


Right click on the level file in the content browser, and choose ‘size map’. It tells you what’s loading for the map :slight_smile:


Thanks for the really fast reply.

I did it and the map with all dependencys is 2 gb.

The problem is, that all maps has this memory problem. So it must be something else.

Did you have another idea?


Hey @DrunkenDwarfGames

Make sure to filter by memory instead of disk size

Also that’s not an “almost empty” map, there are a lot of dependencies there, even if they seem small.

The numbers shown in the Size Map menu are orientative, not an absolute number, it’s usually more. Specially if you have particles or anything doing real-time calculations in the editor.

Also check plugins you may have installed, things you have in constructors and automated actions happening on load.

You can try making a copy of the map and deleting everything to see if there’s something in your map that consumes a lot of RAM. If that’s the case add elements back one by one and see which one is consuming the most RAM.


If you see stuff in there that shouldn’t be there, you have a dependency that needs to be broken.

I do see a very deep structure there, normally a map would be like

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Plugins and an really empty map would be a good idea. I will try it and let you know about that.

@ClockworkOcean Yes the deep structure is because of my function library. That spread all references all over the place, also if a blueprint just need a small function, it will load all of them.
But does it even care if there are stuff that still be loaded? Like player or helperfunctions to get components from the player? But yes, that doesnt look very nice :confused:

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What it means is, every time you open that map, ALL that stuff gets loaded into memory, whether you use it or not :slight_smile:

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Hello, i want to give you feedback.

After a month of clearing depoendencys, i have reduced the connections massivly.

But i still have up to 10 gb of memory usage on the engine.

The Plugings dont make a huge difference if i deactivate them:

I also have a few question:

  1. if i added an actor than i can set in the size map the dependencys to display. If i set on “game” than my dependencys looks NOW very very good. But if i show up “all” than i have up to 1.5 GB memory. Which setting should I focus on?

  2. The first screenshot shows my empty map. Its now 6.2 MB. What can i now do to reduce my memory?
    I can’t imagine that it can still be due to the map.
    Do you have any other ideas?

Very good :smiley:

This number shown in the editor


is just that, it’s the editor.

The editor will gradually fill up memory as you edit and audition different assets, and it won’t go down. It’s no reflection on your game.

A much better way of checking it out, would be to run the game in a standalone window, and take a look at the windows task manager :slight_smile:

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