With UE 4.8 ordinary capabilities such as dragging static meshes into the scene or dragging textures/normal maps into a material being constructed are taking absurd amounts of time and many times just out-right don’t result in anything happening. You try the process again and may get the same result or the object may or may not be added to the scene or material editor. This is on an i7-3770k @ 3.5gz, 16GB system RAM, GTX670 4GB RAM, Win 7 64-bit, running UE4 and projects from a 256GB SSD. The Win 7 installation is a clean install done very recently so it’s not like it’s had tons of **** installed on top of it over months or years.
Could this be in any way associated with resources such as free disk space, display drivers, Win 7 as apposed to Win 8, apps/services running in the background, etc? PLEASE EPIC any ideas on how to stop this occurring would be greatly appreciated as it’s a huge productivity killer!!