Hello everyone, yesterday i had this strange issue, normally, in Editor i have 100-120 FPS, I did check the Setting and it’s seem to be on Ultra quality, when i hit Play, it’s only drop a few FPS which is understandable, but yesterday, i play with Quality setting (i did this one time before, but nothing seem to be wrong) and when i turn it back to Ultra, the FPS in Editor remained almost the same, but when i hit Play in Selected Viewport, it’s dropped to about 60-70 FPS which is huge.
I noticed that even in Editor mode, if i drag out BP Thirdperson Character, or any Character Blueprint, my FPS also drop to 60-70 FPS, if i use Simulate Mode, it’s the same with Editor, so if i drag a Character Blueprint out, it’s drop to low FPS as well.
I have Create a Fresh Project, uninstall Unreal 5.4.1 And Install it again, but the proplem still remain, before this bug never happend.
So what do you guys think is the proplem here? and how can i be able to fix this . Any help are appreciated, Thanks you.