Mass Traffic AI ZoneGraphStorage exception Crash


Looking for assistance with this crash from trying to set up the mass traffic AI in my project. Any help much appreciated. works if you use the crowd AI to spawn a character that is assembled out of the car mesh and uses the character nav, but crashes when trying to use zonegraph with traffic AI spawn system.

Assertion failed: ZoneGraphStorage [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\LocalBuilds\CitySample\Windows\Plugins\Traffic\Source\MassTraffic\Private\MassTrafficLaneChangingProcessor.cpp] [Line: 690]

UnrealEditor_MassTraffic!<lambda_9f59801d1fc18adc578f6bb4259e1056>::operator()() [D:\build++UE5\Sync\LocalBuilds\CitySample\Windows\Plugins\Traffic\Source\MassTraffic\Private\MassTrafficLaneChangingProcessor.cpp:690]
UnrealEditor_MassTraffic!UMassTrafficLaneChangingProcessor::Execute() [D:\build++UE5\Sync\LocalBuilds\CitySample\Windows\Plugins\Traffic\Source\MassTraffic\Private\MassTrafficLaneChangingProcessor.cpp:654]

after a bit more fiddling around, it seems to work fine in a new level within the same project. the previous level also has a mass crowd AI zonegraph, and it seems the cars want to use that graph to spawn as well despite having the lane tags set. Also curious to know what’s the practice for multiple zone graphs, or multiple mass spawners?

here’s the new level with the traffic AI working, as well as showing it spawning in the crowd AI zonegraph: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

update: for anyone who comes across cars spawning in crowdAI zone graph locations, it seems to be due to user error for not setting the appropriate settings for the massspawner in the traffic agent “vehicle type spacing”. I’m still trying to figure out why these systems that work in a new clean level are throwing an exception in the base level, I’ll update this if I find a solution for anyone who tries to brute force their way through the traffic and crowd mass AI systems in the future. Also looking for help blending accessory animations into the mass crowd AI walking animations. Thanks!!

Here’s the updated status, still working to figure out whats wrong in the base level:

hey guys i seem to have stumbled upon the extremely simple answer to my issue, which was, in testing, I had an actor in the world of the same type that the traffic AI was spawning. For example, having a copy of the car blueprint in the level for the traffic system, that the traffic system is also set to spawn, will cause the editor to crash.
also interested to hear anyone’s take on the traffic/crowd AI system

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