Is it possible to make a blueprint that automatically replaces all the static mesh components based on the name of the actor? (in editor, not runtime)
Say if an actor that contains the word “tree” in it’s name is imported then it’s static mesh is automatically replaced with a different one from a list.
Or is there some other utility to replace tons of objects imported from datasmith automatically?
So this is what an Editor Utility Widget would be used for! You would create a custom widget that would do all of that functionality for you- great for huge projects as scope gets larger, but it is a question of how long it would take to figure out and create the EUW versus how long it would take to do the work manually.
I suggest getting into some tutorials for that- and you may need to acquire a plugin or two to access certain forms of data, but I think it’s unlikely, you should have all you need in the editor- if everything is imported in and you do not need to pull files from elsewhere on your PC.
If you don’t mind clicking a couple of times you can Shift + E to select all meshes of the same type then right click and Replace Selected Actors with…
Or use the Outliner search box to filter by name and select then right click to replace again.
Other than that you can check the Scriptable Tools plugin and create a tool for yourself.