Masking Reconstruction

Was following the tutorial linked below to reconstruct a skull from different sides. I had it facing normally and then flipped it upside down. Exported all the masks, named everything correctly but when I go to align I have two components instead of the 1 like in the tutorial. (Linked 2 photos showing the two components, the image and its reference to the mask, and all the images being provided into the scene) Both components look great and the same as the original alignment when exporting the mask. I’m sure I’m missing something simple but I’ve run into a wall with my limited knowledge. I was hoping someone could share some insight into what I did wrong.

How to reconstruct objects from all sides using masks from RealityCapture – RealityCapture Support (

Hi ZarokNambu1, it seems, that there is just a small overlap between these two components. To capture object like this is good to capture it like from a globe. This is just a circle around the scull.

In this case you can use some control points (minimally three) on both components and then align it again.