Marvelous Designer Cloth Animation and Metahuman Animation Does'nt Match

Hello everyone, I’m working on a project for my client where I redesign some Shirts on Marvelous Designer to use with Metahumans on an upcoming video ad. However the problem is that no matter what or how I tried I couldn’t actually match the metahuman animation seamlessly to the Marvelous Designer Cloth Simulation Alembic. The pipeline goes like this:

  1. I have created IK Rigs and retargeted Mixamo animations for Metahuman which works perfect.
  2. Mixamo Retargeted FBX animation is exported as FBX with metahuman body mesh selected from Metahuman BP Body Mesh section.
  3. Imported Animated FBX without the head to Marvelous Designer for test purposes. Without even using Blender in between for T-Pose transaction. Directly from Unreal to Marvelous.
  4. When the cloth simulation finished exported the garment as Alembic to Unreal back again.
  5. Then imported the animated garment to Torso, body, added skeletal mesh component. Nothing worked.
  6. Garment and Metahuman never match.

So what ı briefly did was export an animation asset as FBX with Mesh and designed a garment on top of it. Then reimported the garment. But either i am missing something so small just cant seem to fix it. I have watched that Purple jacket guy video on YT but didnt work too.

Here is an absolute mind blowing example to my problem. After all these what i basically tried was just export one of the animations to test if it is Marvelous Designer. Reimport it without even opening the file. Then place them on the same spot on top of another and they dont match!!!

Please Help Me :slight_smile:

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Here I am with the same problem, it seems that Marvelous does something strange with the animations and then they don’t match.

By “never match” are we talking about collisions and pass-throughs seeing the body poke through the garment and/or misalignment between the MH and garment animation from MD? Or do they not even end up in the same space together?

PS… can you provide a link to the “purple jacket guy” video you’re referring to?

In my case, the first few frames seem to work fine but then it goes out of sync and then syncs up at the end.

You can see an example video here:

Likely, your skeleton settings have to be Animation Scaled on all bones.

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This video fixed my problem but all you have to do is give attention to the part he exports the Metahuman Body with Morph Target applied!!