Mars Exploration Rover Simulator [Complete Project]

Mars Exploration Rover Simulator is my first Unreal Marketplace product that can be found here:

The project was an important learning experience within Unreal Engine, and in delivering the product itself. I hope to use this showcase as a more informal way to log any updates or further inspirations. A major focus of the project was getting the Rocker-Bogie Suspension to run in real-time, and behave closely to other Rovers from NASA.

Behind the scenes the project started in UE 5.3, and transferred to UE 5.4 when it released about half-way through my project. 5.4 added quite a few new features that I didn’t get to experiment with for this project. Notably, the increased support of rigging in the engine itself whereas before I was exporting from Blender then making conforming a control rig to it. If I come across ways to improve the project either in pipeline methods or optimizations I’ll be sure to bring them up here.

Lastly, any feedback is welcome!

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Hi there @Tim8ch,

Hope you’re well and having a wonderful week so far :slight_smile:

First, congrats on your first Marketplace product release! Secondly, the mimicry of a NASA rovers behavior is such a rad element that I’m stoked to see. Out of curiosity, how long did this project take to create?

Hi, and thank you.

I’ve been working on it on and off for the last few months as a solo project. This helped me learn a lot more about Unreal! I’ll also be starting a different project unrelated to space in the next few months.