Marketplace Submission "File Path Length Too Long" Error


I am attempting to publish my first asset to the Marketplace, I received an email to make some changes to my submission. A few file path lengths exceeded the 140 character limit, I remedied the offending files and resubmitted, however I am still receiving the error by the review process. I saw one forum post mentioning “…go to Editor Settings > General - Experimental, you can click a check box to Enable Long File Paths.” however in Unreal Engine 5 I am not seeing this setting. Is there a solution for my situation, is this a glitch? (I am running Unreal 5.1.1

Appreciate your time.

This simply means that you located your project under many directories which causes the engine to malfunction. To prevent this, create a project directly on a drive for example D:/MyProjects/(Actual Projects). I know about the setting but I found it to be easier to just move the project to a different folder. Please keep in mind that sometimes in very few cases this also causes the engine to malfunction. Therefore duplicate the project

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Thanks for the valuable input and your time! :slight_smile: