Marketplace sale

It’s my first product on the Unreal engine Marketplace. How do I know I sold a product? Does an email arrive? Can someone explain to me what exactly this is here:

Means i sold 1?

and how the Sale report works in the Marketplace Seller Portal area.

Hi Vinicius_Pires,

Yes that means on the 31/3/2023 you had one sale. You don’t get emails, just entries in that table.
With that report you can specify a start date and and end date to view all sales between (inclusive) those dates.

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:open_mouth: Wait… did I sell a product?? serious?? I spent a lot of time programming this tool. I’m very happy!! You are very kind. Thank you very much for your explanation. :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: