BlueManBPFunctionLibrary Is a Code Plugin that contains custom BlueprintFunctionLibrary. BlueManBPFunctionLibrary contains 40 custom Blueprint nodes written in C++.
It is going to be released on the Marketplace for 20$.
Nodes that currently contains:
- GetGameVolume
- SetGameVolume
- CreateDirectory
- DeleteDirectory
- DirectoryExists
- DeleteFile
- FileExists
- MakeFile
- ReadFromFile
- AddOnlyIfAIsEqualToBFloat
- AddOnlyIfAIsEqualToBInt
- SubtractAndAddFloat
- SubtractAndAddInt
- GetGameDirectory
- GetSaveGamedirectory
- AdvancedBranch
- GetGlobalGraphicsSettings
- SetGlobalGraphicsSettings
- GetDekstopResolution
- GetBuildDate
- IsRunningAtTargetFrameRate
- CalculateFramerate
- GetGameName
- GetTickCount
- MakeRandomLinearColor
- CPUUtilizationPercentage
- CPUUtilizationPercentagePerCore
- GetCPUBrand
- GetCPUCores
- GetCPUVendor
- GetGPUBrand
- GetPhysicalRAM
- IsGamepadAttached
- IsMouseAttached
- BoolToInt
- BoolToFloat
- SelectRandomStringFromArray
- VectorToLinearColor
- RotationToLinearColor
- SetScreenResolutionAndWindowMode
Feedback is welcome and if you have any suggestions leave them here