Marketplace plugin without Source files.

Hello everyone, my team and I made a plugin and we want to distribute it for free, but we also don’t want to distribute the source code with it.

The plugin works fine without the source code and the project is built with it, but when we submit the plugin for review to the epics in the marketplace, they get an error, since they are building the plugin itself.

How to properly prepare a plugin for the market so that epics can build it without source code?

I think if you try and distribute is without source, nobody will run it… :slight_smile:

At the moment we are distributing our plugin without source code on github and it works great. :wink:

Why would you want to do it without source?

Because we don’t want to give away our work. :hammer_and_wrench:

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Hmmm, it’s free, though :thinking:

It’s up to you, of course :slight_smile:

We have made a feature that will allow users to get new features, but we do not want to show how it works inside.