marketplace payment

“Payment refused by PayPal, please use a different funding source.” Can anyone help me? I have money,paypal account,my card is active,I buyed few minutes ago but now I can not buy.

Epic Paypal payment is added in Paypal as Subscription. If you have problems it might help to cancel your subscription, then add a new paypal as payment option, worked for me.

Epic Paypal payment is added in Paypal as Subscription. If you have problems it might help to cancel your subscription, then add a new paypal as payment option, worked for me./QUO

Now I deleted paypal and trying add my card but I only see this “PLEASE WAIT… updating your order”


If you chargeback Epic, you will be sure you wont be able to purchase from the marketplace again. (Returned using paypal and not the refund request from epic)