Marketplace packs from Synty not built according to Epic's standards

I am reposting this issue here towards Epic, to make sure the it is propperly addressed.
It concerns all the Synty Studio asset packs on the Unreal marketplace:

The asset packs from Synty Studios were built with Unity in mind, and do not

  1. follow Epics workflow for .fbx reg. material IDs or
  2. have proper collision as required from the marketplace guidelines in:
    2.3.3.f Meshes must have proper collision where applicable…

Regarding 1): the meshes do not have material ID’s assigned to different groups of polygons with the same material, e.g. a car’s body, tires, glass.
Epic workflow for this set correctly here in the fbx material pipeline:

Instead each mesh from Synty has one unique skin, which refers to a color (UV-coordinate) of a master material. So even if you would copy and tint this material to match your desired color, you also tint and change all the other colors for this mesh in its master material. E.g. tint the skin color of a character mesh also tints all his other surfaces like clothes.

With this false setup, each buyer would have to export each model, re-skin/UV it in an 3d program and re-import it into unreal to make any material changes…which is practically not doable.

So please Epic: demand from Synty studios, that all their assets on the Unreal marketplace are built according to Unreal specs with material ID’s, so they can be used and changed with the unreal material slots.
It’s not my job to warn all buyers on each of the dozends of their packs on the Unreal marketplace, but you have to make sure all assets on the Unreal marketplace are made for Unreal and not in Unity workflow/specs.

Bumping it, as Epic should take all the Synty packs off of the marketplace, until the problem is solved and they have proper materials assigned as required.

The problems are still unsolved and the packs are still available to buy on the marketplace.
Epic: stop them from being purchaseable until the problems are fixed, as people can’t use them as they are supposed to and expect when buying from the marketplace.

As there is no material assigning via material slots buyers can’t change colors of the models without exporting them and re-UV them which often breaks the geometry.
Because of this wrong workflow, they even have the same model a few times in the packs! E.g. same car in blue and red, instead of just one car with proper material assigning so buyers can exchange the color/material by themself!

Bumping it again, the assets are not modifyable with material change, as the UV and materials workflow is not made for Unreal/Epic standards (but rather Unity).
Epic: demand from the creators to fix this, and take their assets off the marketplace for the time being, as they are not usable as a buyer would expect from Marketplace standards set by Epic.

It is still not solved, the asset packs are available to buy on the marketplace, but they are not built to Epic’s standard. Buyers cant work with them as expected from the guidelines.
Take them off the marketplace until the issues have been solved.