Marketplace new seller tax help UK Seller

I recently made a component for my game and want to sell this component to others on the marketplace.
The issue is i have to go through a bunch of hassle setting up VAT.
I have a few questions about this.
How exactly will setting this up affect me and others around me.
I am recently employed and this would count as a second income.
I would have to register as a business but I only really have one product to sell at this point(some others on the way but not sure about them yet). is there a better way to sell that product
If i register the business at the family/grandparents home does this affect anyone in the same residence who may be on benefits or pensions.
Would you say it is worth all the trouble for the money to be earned
Thanks for your help

When I talking about Tax service, Income tax is a tax you pay on income after it exceeds a certain amount set by the government. The UK tax system requires the taxation of incomes such as earnings, income from pensions, non-dividend income, and non-savings income initially. And They provide you a simple way of filing a tax return that is approved by HMRC. If you want to more information about this topic you can visit the site. Visit:

Now I have to give a deep knowledge of tax and statutory requirements as well as a breadth of experience applying them in procedure worldwide. Practical tax advice combined with our consistent tax conformity framework instills confidence that a consistent approach is followed across jurisdictions. We help clarify tax control and oversight while providing global visibility for making informed strategic decisions, all with the ease of working with a global provider.