Can I make an IRL board game using UE-Only Content Assets from the UE Marketplace?
In the UE Marketplace some assets like this one are labeled ‘Licensed for use only with UE based products’.
Since all content obtained from the UE Marketplace is licensed for use under the Epic Content EULA, I took a look at it and these 2 points seem to be relevant for my plans:
b. Linear Media (e.g., Rendered Video Files)
You may freely Distribute Licensed Content incorporated into rendered linear media products.This means, for example, you may freely Distribute rendered video files (e.g., broadcast or streamed video files, cartoons, or movies) or images created using Licensed Content.
5. Other Restrictions on Your Use of Licensed Content
a. UE-Only Content
“UE-Only Content” means Licensed Content that is designated as only permitted for use in conjunction with Unreal Engine and Unreal Engine-based products as designated by Epic, such as Twinmotion.
Can I even edit screenshots without violating the EULA?
I open the character assets (which are all UE-Only Content) in Unreal Engine, put them in a nice pose and screenshot them. If I would want to print these screenshots I would have to open a non Unreal Engine-based product like Microsoft Paint to edit and print the screenshot on paper. Does this violate the EULA already?