Marketplace Help

I am sorry if this has been asked some place before but I have to ask this. I am dabbling in Unreal Engine and came across some assets in the Marketplace that I would like to use in my project. But my question is, once you purchase an asset, is it yours to keep or do you purchase, sort of like a license to use in ONE specific project?

I am testing a few things right now and don’t want to purchase an asset for my test project and realise that I have to pay for it again to use in my real project.

Once you buy a project, you unlock it on your account. You can use it within your projects - there’s no count to how many you can use it with. The only thing you cannot do is resell the pack, or edit it and resell it as if you were the original author.

You can create as many project within UE4 as you’d like with it and sell your project that uses these assets with no problem.

So, all I have to do is purchase one asset and its mine to use for as many projects I like? That’s cool. Thanks for your reply. Really appreciate it.

Hey Reaping_Angel! Wolven Digital pretty much answered your question, but it’s probably a good idea to review the FAQs to familiarize yourself more with the terms of usage and other sorts of info regarding marketplace products if you haven’t already. Best of luck with your projects!