Marketplace folder issues

Hello there ! I have a bug on an asset i recently bought on the unreal engine marketplace.
This is this one : Epic Games.

The pack give me nothing when i import it in my project : in 5.0 or 4.27.
All the folder exist but are empty in the engine, when i check them inside my computer folder, i can see there is UEasset inside.
When i try to delete this pack from my project, the folders don’t get removed, i can delete them directly in my computer folder, but the engine looks think there is already these in the project because it ask me to overwrite if i want to try again to import it.

I write a first ticket to the unreal marketplace, they ask me a quick answer without any solution, i give more details but since this mail i have no new reponse. I write 3 other ticket but nobody from the support answer and i’m stuck with a pack i bought who is empty, i ask for a refund but no answer to.

Anyone have a idea or anything ?

Thank’s you to take some time for read this and have a nice day ? :wink:

How are you adding it to your project?

Hi ! Directly with the “import in your project” of the launcher. I try it in different way, with project opened, or closed, but the issue stay the same.

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Ok, strange. Might be best to contact the vendor about it


Hey ClockworkOcean ! Sorry to respond lately ! I finally have some news of support, and they inspect and found bug too ! The seller update the project and now it work ! Thank’s for your answers and have a nice day :wink: !

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:sunglasses: :+1: