It has been another great year and the Marketplace has grown another year older. Within that time, we’ve experienced a strong upward trend and exponential growth. With far more content creators publishing new and interesting assets, there is something for nearly any project just waiting to be seen.
As the community is essential to the growth we’ve seen in the marketplace we felt it time to show what we think are the essential marketplace items for general game development. Sadly, not everything made the list, but we feel these are the items that are most suited to helping move any project forward. From whiteboxing levels with SuperGrid to matching effects to sounds with with Movement Animset Pro and Universal Sound FX. These may not cover every aspect of game development, but picking up a few will certainly put you well on your way to fleshing out nearly any title for prototyping up to pre-production or more!
Advanced Wired Spline Mover
Dynamic Tree & Plant Generator
Universal AI System
Movement Animset Pro
Female Movement Animset Pro
Ultimate Touch Components
Varied Music Collection
Universal Sound FX
Splatter Decals[/SIZE]