Marketplace earnings: what type of income is it?

I have been working with microstocks and 3D marketplaces for a while. Usually, the earnings are considered as royalties. But UE Marketplace looks quite different and does not provide much info such as the type of income, year summary, etc. I am confused about how do I declare these incomes. Is it royalties or just regular sales?

It’s normal income. If it was royalties, you’d be getting a cut every time your assets were used in a game.

But for example with the book royalties author gets paid each time the book is sold, not each time the book is read. There is the publisher, a fixed price for the book, and some % of each sale goes to the author when the good is sold. The publisher decides on discounts or sales. So what is the difference with the UE marketplace here?


You’re right. Is this a tax thing?

Yeah. Trying to figure out the category of incomes

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