Marketplace Content

Hi All,

I’m going to be publishing something on the market place soon and I want to include comprehensive help documentation. Among other things, the submission will include 20,000 lines of C++ code and a bunch of complex materials, i.e. it’s fairly complex and will require good doco. My question is: how can I go about doing this?

I’ve had a brief flirtation with the blueprint tutorial class, but this is far too simplistic for my purposes. What I would really like to do is to include properly-authored help files, e.g. HTML, Web Help, PDF, CHM etc. But the marketplace seems to work by downloading stuff to your vault and from there into a selected project. There doesn’t seem to be any way to include non-UE4 files that the end-user would be able to access after downloading. I guess I could provide the help documentation on my web site, but part of the documentation is a detailed explanation of how the blueprints work, and I don’t want that to be publicly view-able on my web site (I am intending to sell it after all). Maybe I just need to provide a separate download URL?

Does anyone know if there is some way to achieve what I’m after?


You can try to include documentation files with the asset, but from what Epic have stated, these usually get stripped out in the staging process. Most of us just host documentation elsewhere and link to it in a blueprint tutorial or something similar.

Suspected that was the case. Thanks for your reply.

As @apoisonedgift mentioned, couldn’t you link to the documentation from the editor? If you’re worried about it being accessible to people who didn’t buy your product, make it where the links aren’t discoverable on your website. That way the only way to know/click the url is through UE4.

When I was submitting the package description I’ve done it like this:

Which results in the Documentation word appearing as a link to the PDF on the google drive:

*…The rocks, particles and material effects are added free of charge. We’ve went ahead and added our Advanced Grass Material package to AL2 free of charge as well. Please read the documentation first so you can get the most out of it. If you’re still unsure about making the purchase, again please read the documentation so you’ll have a better idea about the content.

[Documentation]](Documentation - Google Drive)*

If you want you can set a password on your PDF and include the password somewhere in your package so only owners can access the documentation.

Thanks for all the suggestions. :slight_smile: