I’m wondering if purchasing marketplace content and putting it in your level is allowed if you plan on uploading it to steam or entering the latest competition?
I’m aware of the compatibility issues with some assets but I was more concerned with the legality of it all
you paid for it, you have rights. Ark doesnt own the editor, Unreal does,. You purchased for UNREAL editor, thats what you are using. Ark has nothing to do with the editor at all, other then it was ported for steam.
Downloading the mod via Steam Workshop does not give you access to the source files. So putting the content in does not break the rules in that regard. Wonder if that is even a rule since Marketplace content is integrated in the vanilla ADK and everyone has access to it without buying it again (one example: the steampunk kit is completely integrated in the ADK). I understand where you coming from since you want to create some revenue from each one who is using your Marketplace content I just wonder if there are any regulations for that.
Wait, so, when a resource that i buy from the marketplace says i can use it in public projects, now you (Jamend) are saying that we can not? Even tho, Ark itself is full of marketplace items? I mean, if its stuff like “i add this to my project, now everyone has access to it free on the marketplace” then i see an issue. “if i add this to my project and you have to buy it from the marketplace to make it work” i see a problem. If i buy an item (thus paying for rights) and add it to my project, and, ppl can see the effects of said item, but, no access, and they dont have to buy it, i dont see an issue there. Are we forgetting, buying it give you RIGHTS to use it in any project you want? Legally, Wildcard nor UE have legal right over the intellectual property i buy rights to, nor the right over the said property owned by the developer to say WHAT project it goes into.
Basically the only people that you are allowed to grant access of the marketplace asset source files to are employees or contractors that are furthering your project. This does not mean that after a contractor is done helping you, they get the marketplace package for free, as they will have not had the rights once no longer furthering your project. The project being worked on must also be controlled by the buyer. Here is a quote from the marketplace business terms:
You can however, redistribute products that use the marketplace assets to whomever you’d like, though you cannot redistribute them if whoever is receiving them will be given access to the source files.
The usage itself really doesn’t matter, it’s whether or not others will be given access to the source files that do not have the rights. If they will, that is not really allowed.