Marketplace asset sharing clarification.

Hello, to keep it short I’ve seen posts already talk about sharing assets and that it’s fine to do it with “team members” such as contractors or people a part of your studio/company. Does this also apply to hiring freelancers to work on your project in which they’d need access to the assets? I’d figure it would but they’re not technically a contractor but they are essentially a part of my “team” and I’m paying them to work on my own project which I have a license for.

If all this is valid what would happen if the freelancers I’ve hired decided to use the assets wrongly such as the worst case scenario (for me) have it online on piracy websites and have it tracked down to me? Who’d be liable for this? - This is a bit more relevant in my case since one of the assets I’m using has a token system in it where they’re able to see whose it is, I’m assuming probably from the additional files they make you install if you want full access to the features.

Freelancers are a type of independent contractor, pretty standard in contracts/agreements that everything they work on and everything shared with them is yours (your company’s) and they don’t have any rights to any of it and they will be liable if it’s used incorrectly.

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