A couple of us just purchased the new landscape Material pack and the download button is greyed out and instead says “Syncing”. I bought it yesterday morning and there are a few more people with the same problem commenting on the items marketplace site.
Hi Sanford87,
We have some people taking a look at this issue. I’ll Update this thread when I get confirmation that it’s fixed
-Max B.
Hi Sanford,
Landscape Materials was part of a group of offers that were not suppose to be released yet on the Marketplace. They’ve since pulled them from the Marketplace. If you wish for a refund please contact Customer Services at BILLING@UNREALENGINE.COM with the name of the offer and your account e-mail address. You could also wait for when it actually releases onto the Marketplace and you should be able to download it just fine without having to pay a second time.
-Max B.
hello im another user that purchased this asset, how long till its actually on the marketplace? ill wait as long as it not to long
These are the affected Marketplace offers:
- Witchwood
- Blueprint Inventory System
- Animated Blood Spray
- Vehicle Pack
- Weapon Pack: Assault Rifles
- Ultimate Greyboxing
- Commercial Doors
- Steampunk Airship
- SF Construction Set
- Landscape Material Pack
At this point, I can’t say at what point they’ll be released.
-Max B.
alright thanks Max