Market Asset with Lyra Game as base?

Am I allowed to submit an asset to the marketplace that includes the full Lyra game as a base? I’m trying to create a plugin for the marketplace which considerably extends Lyra’s functionality.

Because of the way Lyra is structured and the necessity for config files, it has to be a complete project including altered versions of the Lyra plugins. I know other templates are used as bases for assets but this is a sample project and don’t want to spend a large amount of time and effort on this plugin if I’m not able to submit it to the marketplace. Thanks!

Afoot Games

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Hey there @DrAculaMD! That is a good question, so I took a couple minutes to read through the EULA and the Epic Content License Agreement, and if this were classified as starter content the answer would be an emphatic “Yes totally fine” but the caveat here is that in the EULA it’s actually defined as an example project, which is defined under the licensed technology. This should mean that it’s fine, as the project itself thus included programs are available to all other licensees for free already as any other user of UE is actually also another licensee according to the EULA.

That said I’m going to see if I can verify with the team directly to make sure I give the most accurate answer here in case there’s anything we missed. I’ll respond again here once I get verification!

What Technology Epic Is Licensing to You
The Licensed Technology licensed to you under this Agreement includes all Unreal Engine code and related content that is copied to your computer when you install Unreal Engine. This includes Engine Code, Examples, and Starter Content.


I’m also interested in this topic. Any updates please?

Hey there @Raed_Abbas! Welcome back to the community! Sorry for the lack of follow-up on this one, the answer is just as complicated to the problem. While technically the EULA disallows repackaging Unreal free assets (like Lyra) for a paid plugin, Lyra itself is required to run you guys’ plugins and also anyone downloading unreal plugins is also a licensee so technically it’d be fine under the EULA as a free plugin.

I think this edge case may not have been accounted for in the wording as Lyra (and frameworks that ingrained) weren’t a thing when the EULA was established. So the two options would be the safe bet of trying to just create the independent plugin and not package Lyra assets, but this can cause issues with content plugins but not code plugins or we’ll have to get a clear read on if this edge case is fine.

An example: Replicated Vaulting and Mantling in Blueprints - UE Marketplace

That product offers a tutorial for integrating it with Lyra but not using the Lyra content directly, but this is not viable for content plugins.

The team I need to reach out to for this info is out for the Holidays for a bit, so I’ll send an email over now and bookmark this with a date in a couple of days!

Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, just a helpful guy sometimes.

I’ve got it working as a full plugin without altering Lyra files, EXCEPT one line of code that I think was left in C++ by mistake while they were testing the ADS ability, where would I submit a suggestion to remove one line of code that I think makes it a bug? Thanks for the help!

Edit: You can just leave the ability active or put all of your functionality after “Event EndAbility” but that’s not a great workaround.

Afoot Games

Hey! Has there been an update for this? I’m doing a full restructuring/rewriting of a lot of lyra components to make it far more modular and am wondering if we’re allowed to use/reintegrate plugins that were built in Lyra for a marketplace plugin? I.e. modular gameplay actors as a core component.

Any assets would be made from scratch, this will be a set of code plugins strictly speaking, as a way to untangle much of the lyra code base and write systems that can be utilized as independent sets of systems rather than a tightly integrated framework.

Following up here