Mario Kart Drift [Help]

I’ve been searching for resources online and barely found anything on how to make a Drift mechanic like Mario Kart. I currently have a hover vehicle and most of the driving mechanics are working(acceleration, steering, etc.). I used this GDC talk as base

I know I will need to apply forces based on the sliding direction, forward, right vectors etc. But I couldn’t figure out how to make the vehicle drift like Mario Kart with the key element being control during the drift. I would really appreciate any help as I am stumped at this point. Thanks.

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Drift essentially is reducing Angular damping, if you’re using the in built physics you can set it to 0 or very low.

otherwise you’d have some sort force opposing the left/right velocity, just reduce that

I need damping for the hover suspension so it doesn’t wobble too much. it is by default pretty low already and setting it lower causes the vehicle to wobble too much.

To my understanding, the drifting is achieved by doing some calculations with the moving, forward and right vectors.

This is kind of what I want to achieve but don’t know how to implement it.

i’d need to know more about how you’ve built it, because usually when making a custom system like this, it would drift automatically and you’d have to apply opposing forces to stabilize

At the moment, separate from the suspension, for the movement, all I have is an Add force node applied to the mesh’s forward vector. For turning I am just adding a torque on the Z axis. It is very very basic barebones at the moment when it comes to movement.

check what the angular damping is on your root component

Angular damping is currently 2, linear damping is 0.5.

so when you want to drift set angular damping to 0

basically on

keypressed set angular damping to 0
keyreleased set angular damping to 2

ultimately its probably better to create you own system but since you’re using this it should get you start