Hello Unreal brain trust. I am very new to game design and unreal. I am currently working on a 3D platformer the is very similar to Mario 64 and I’m wanting to impliment a Star System similar to this. My only issue is that I have no clue as to the how to impliment this. I have done searching till my fingers blead but can not find anything that matches what Im looking for, I mean I could have but I also am not really sure what im looking for.
Basicily in the game, the player needs to get 8 Pages collectibles from each level, I need to be able to store which pages have been collected so that the game always remembers the pages that have been collected, meaning that they can not be collected again of similiar to Mario 64 you get like a greyed out version if you do the thing to get the page. And when changing levels and moving between them in a hub world the game will remember. The information will also be used in a pause menu etc showing which pages have been collected etc, but once i have the system in place, that shouldnt be a problem.
I am using the most update version of Unreal and also using Blueprints. Thank you in advance and happy for you to point me the direction off tutorials or other posts that have answered my question that I couldnt find. If you need anymore information just let me know.
You can use this throughout the game’s lifecycle to determine the amount collected throughout the game. Say an Integer counter of X amount of pages to append. Every time you collect a Page, simply add to the Pages Counter in your GameInstance Class. When the game shuts down, you can then save the amount of pages you have collected if wanted or be a manual/auto save in the game.
Say it’s a bit of a longer game. You want to come back to the game to continue where you left off. You can use a save game to store how many Pages collected and load this back up when starting the game. You can then assign the amount of Pages collected from the last time played in the GameInstance class
Heres an old tutorial. I forgot which method it uses. So be warned that it’s not best practice to use CastTo Player (should use BPI instead). And you should use what he said above (save the collection tally in those Game assets, not PlayerBP).