I put together some bsps and textures from the Bungie game Marathon, as a learning experience and a way to get to know the Unreal Engine a bit.
It’s quite rough and requires high specs, despite its simplicity, as an example I can just about get 75fps on a GTX 780.
There are plenty of issues with it- e.g. the player’s disembodied head casting a shadow in the headlamp…
I’d be really grateful if anyone could download and see if it works for them:
The Binary is @ Arrival/WindowsNoEditor/MyProject5/Binaries/Win64/MyProject5
Open it with the rift switched on, then press Alt-Enter to reset the resolution and activate rift mode.
Press Tab to bring up a menu for adjusting quality. I’d recommend a hmd sp of 100 or below.
Thanks to mitchemc for the VR Template.