Map stops on loading only IOS version


My app is running perfectly in the editor, and as a mac osx app.

But when I create the IOS version, the compiler stops with the following errror message, and the map stops working

Assertion failed: (_colorByNumber.size() > 0), function -[XRTheme _prepareColorsForLegacyUse], file /Library/Caches/, line 568.

I know what is the asset which does not load, but I don’t know which parameter should I change.


Here is a more detailed log.

LogPlayLevel: CommandUtils.Run: Run: /usr/bin/env /usr/bin/instruments -w ‘dad2339263526dcff0ba11554e2b63bd43b5fe72’ -t ‘Activity Monitor’ -D “/Users/serge/Documents/deva/devaUE/Saved/StagedBuilds/IOS/launch.trace” ‘me.mentia.deva’
LogPlayLevel: env: 2017-04-12 15:10:20.600 instruments[13964:31604] WebKit Threading Violation - initial use of WebKit from a secondary thread.
LogPlayLevel: env: Assertion failed: (_colorByNumber.size() > 0), function -[XRTheme _prepareColorsForLegacyUse], file /Library/Caches/, line 568.
LogPlayLevel: Deleting /Users/serge/Documents/deva/devaUE/Saved/StagedBuilds/IOS/launch.trace
LogPlayLevel: InternalUtils.SafeFindFiles: SafeFindFiles /var/folders/t1/gr8z_r4147q20cnlgzzh_m0c0000gn/T/+Users+Shared+Epic+Games+UE_4.8/Logs * False
LogPlayLevel: InternalUtils.FindFiles: FindFiles /var/folders/t1/gr8z_r4147q20cnlgzzh_m0c0000gn/T/+Users+Shared+Epic+Games+UE_4.8/Logs * False
LogPlayLevel: BuildCommand.Execute: ERROR: BUILD FAILED
LogPlayLevel: Program.Main: ERROR: AutomationTool terminated with exception:
LogPlayLevel: Program.Main: ERROR: Exception in AutomationScripts.Automation: Client exited with error code: 134
LogPlayLevel: Stacktrace: at Project.RunStandaloneClient (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 DeployContextList, System.String ClientLogFile, ERunOptions ClientRunFlags, System.String ClientApp, System.String ClientCmdLine, AutomationTool.ProjectParams Params) [0x00000] in :0
LogPlayLevel: at Project.RunInternal (AutomationTool.ProjectParams Params, System.String ServerLogFile, System.String ClientLogFile) [0x00000] in :0
LogPlayLevel: at Project.Run (AutomationTool.ProjectParams Params) [0x00000] in :0
LogPlayLevel: Program.Main: ERROR: Client exited with error code: 134
LogPlayLevel: Program.Main: AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=1
LogPlayLevel: Domain_ProcessExit
LogPlayLevel: Completed Launch On Stage: Run Task, Time: 5.571882
LogPlayLevel: RunUAT ERROR: AutomationTool was unable to run successfully.

Hey soudoplatoff,

I have a few questions regarding this:

  • Are you able to package a clean, blank project for iOS?
  • Could you provide me with the full output log from the Saved->Logs folder in a text file format please? You can attach it to a comment on this thread.
  • Which version of the editor are you currently working in?
  • Are you using any third-party plugins in the project?


Thanks for your kind answer

  1. I have no knowledge of UE. I have inherited of this project, first designed on UE4.0 then ported on UE4.8 (current)

  2. the problem is the following : when I create the IOS version, and copy on my ipad, I have two issues which I did not when cooking for Mac OSX

  • the first issue was a blank screen, which I solved by making this asset a multiple of 2 (which IOS requires)
  • the second issue is that there should be one interaction : taping on this asset should lead to the next map. This works on the Mac OSX version, but not on the IOS version
  1. so what I did is launch the project directly from the editor. So the project launchs, is copyed to the ipad without any problem, and finishes by this error message (Assertion failed: (_colorByNumber.size() > 0),)

Now, is it this error messqage which prevents from going from one map to the other on th iPad ? I don’t know

I have attached a zip file which contains both the logs when creating the ipa, and the log when launching from within the editor

Many thanks !


[1]: [) (284 KB)

Thanks for the information. What I’d recommend here is updating to our latest version (4.15) and attempting to run through the same process there. There have been numerous updates and bugfixes since 4.8, and it’s very possible that your issue has already been resolved as a result of one of those fixes.

Let me know what results you get in 4.15.
