I switch to the custom map (city) at around 1:40. I suggest watching the video in 2x, you won’t miss much. You’ll notice that I’m using 2 clients and a dedicated server setup in both maps, but that in the second map the clients can’t see one another or the projectiles.
I have been prototyping a game with blueprints and have implemented replication from the start (albeit imperfectly). However, I was always working with the Example_Map.umap provided by the vehicle template. A few days ago, I created a custom map from scratch. Attempting to test a networked game on the new map produces odd results: collisions appear to work, but client vehicles are invisible to one another, as are replicated projectiles.
I created and renamed a copy of Example_Map.umap and tested it, and replication succeeded; this suggests that there is something different and prohibitive about my custom map. I haven’t been able to identify the issue yet, though, so any insight would be appreciated!
Attached is a side by side comparison of the console output from the above video. The Example map output is on the left, and city map output is on the right. Each column is 236 terminal columns wide so you’ll want to stretch this window out until the formatting looks good.
I attached my console output from those PIE sessions. I read through the diff line by line but the only thing that jumps out at me (other than the errors which need repair) is that Example_Map appears in the right column, which is city output. I suppose that’s due to it being the default map for the Kalimpong game mode, but I thought I’d mention it just in case.
If you have a test asset I would be happy to take a look and see what I can find on this end. It is very strange that your replication works on one map but not on another.
Yeah, I must be doing something super weird with that map, or with replication in general. I was going to devote some more time to tracking it down today.
I’m uploading an archive of my project to S3. Is there a private way I can get you the link?
Ok I have a little bit of information on what is going on. In your vehicle blueprint, make sure that “always relevant” is checked. In your projectile, Check “Replicates movement” and " Use Owner Network Relevancy". That should allow you to replicate them appropriately.
It may be that you can get away with just using the network relevancy of your owner, I did the replicate movement to test but I’d try it without to see if you can get away without it. That is definitely something you don’t want users to be able to manipulate easily. Also unfortunately I don’t have a clue why the same settings didn’t work across different maps, that is something I will continue to look into! I am going to mark this as accepted for tracking purposes, however if you continue to have trouble out of this please feel free to comment and let me know!
My vehicle’s replication settings differ from the Blueprint Vehicle template’s Sedan’s replication settings; mine is checked as “Always Relevant” as a result of this thread’s issue, the template’s is not checked. Leaving this unchecked has no effect on replicated movement in the Example Map provided, but my custom created maps require that “Always Relevant” is active.
I was wondering if you think this could be related to the dedicated server issues I’m seeing with regard to replicated movement. I’m in the process of running a couple of experiments, but it takes time to build and rebuild with all the different permutations of settings that I want to try in an effort to isolate the issue. I was hoping the “Always Relevant” strangeness across maps might provide some insight.