When you create a project based on the third person shooter example, it contains a folder called Map that contains the ThirdPersonExampleMap in it.
If you hover over the ThirdPersonExampleMap it will tell you that it is a Level.
So now you get a bit confused over the difference between Level and Map but continues to hover to create a new Level. The popup description when you hover a Level explains that Levels can be loaded into the World to create a streaming experience.
So then you go ahead and create the new Level, the default name for the new item will be “NewWorld”…
After working with the engine for a while now I start to understand what you mean. But I still think that the description and naming conventions in the examples is an issue. But thank you for trying to explain it to me.
Based on that definition, it sounds to me like the 3 terms are related to each other like this:
A level is the smallest unit out of the 3 terms.
A world is a the group of levels connected together. If there is only 1 level developed, then the world and level are the same thing. I suppose if you have 4 levels 1,2,3,4; and only 1 & 2 are connected, while 3 and 4 are separate from everything else, then you have 3 worlds: (1,2),(3),(4)?
all levels and worlds are considered maps. So a map is a general term to describe things in common with levels and worlds
A World is an Object that you ‘open’ a Level into. It’s like a higher level wrapper environment that Levels live in. The World does a lot of work behind the scenes independent from a Level.
A Level is an Asset, that collects Actors & Components (+ other stuff)
A .umap file is a binary Package that saves the World info, Level Asset, and other data.
“Map” on it’s own is just a term I’ve seen tossed around interchangeably. However, I’d agree that the UI/Editor make all this confusing. For example, when you open a Level, in the Outliner, it’s ‘Type’ is listed as World. And people use the term Map when talking about Levels, but really, it’s the Package all this stuff is saved in.