Map, Level and World, whats the difference

When you create a project based on the third person shooter example, it contains a folder called Map that contains the ThirdPersonExampleMap in it.

If you hover over the ThirdPersonExampleMap it will tell you that it is a Level.

So now you get a bit confused over the difference between Level and Map but continues to hover to create a new Level. The popup description when you hover a Level explains that Levels can be loaded into the World to create a streaming experience.

So then you go ahead and create the new Level, the default name for the new item will be “NewWorld”…

… Can anyone explain the logic here?


Hi PhroZenOne,

i have thought a little bit about it and i think, i can answer the question :smiley:

Map: Can be a Level or a World

Level: Can be a world, if no other levels will be added, but generally it is a part of a world

World: A collection of levels that are connected to each other. If you use streaming you will put different levels together.

At least it can be confusing cause all these 3 things are very similar to each other.

Hope that helps :smiley:


After working with the engine for a while now I start to understand what you mean. But I still think that the description and naming conventions in the examples is an issue. But thank you for trying to explain it to me. :slight_smile:

Based on that definition, it sounds to me like the 3 terms are related to each other like this:

  • A level is the smallest unit out of the 3 terms.

  • A world is a the group of levels connected together. If there is only 1 level developed, then the world and level are the same thing. I suppose if you have 4 levels 1,2,3,4; and only 1 & 2 are connected, while 3 and 4 are separate from everything else, then you have 3 worlds: (1,2),(3),(4)?

  • all levels and worlds are considered maps. So a map is a general term to describe things in common with levels and worlds

Is what I said above correct?

  • Map = Level = umap asset file
  • World = one Level or several Levels
  • Map = Level = umap asset file
  • World = one Level or several Levels

Thanks, this is the simplest answer.

  • A World is an Object that you ‘open’ a Level into. It’s like a higher level wrapper environment that Levels live in. The World does a lot of work behind the scenes independent from a Level.

  • A Level is an Asset, that collects Actors & Components (+ other stuff)

  • A .umap file is a binary Package that saves the World info, Level Asset, and other data.

“Map” on it’s own is just a term I’ve seen tossed around interchangeably. However, I’d agree that the UI/Editor make all this confusing. For example, when you open a Level, in the Outliner, it’s ‘Type’ is listed as World. And people use the term Map when talking about Levels, but really, it’s the Package all this stuff is saved in.