Map extensions

I tried looking around for previous posts, tutorials, videos regarding map extensions. Was curious if anyone could give some insight, direction, assistance on how to go about creating a map extension?

I tried looking around for previous posts, tutorials, videos regarding map extensions. Was curious if anyone could give some insight, direction, assistance on how to go about creating a map extension?

I have not yet created a new one but I have messed around with altering a few. It’s really quite easy. If you want to edit an existing one, make your changes then save it with the original name, call that sublevel in the “Maps” line on the cook dialog and click “Cook Island Extension”. You can have several sublevels.
If you edit an existing sublevel such as the supply drops or dino spawns, your changes will be overwritten when you update or verify the devkit so be sure to keep a copy. What I did was make a copy of the original “PersistentGameplaySublevel_SupplyDrops”, named it “PersistentGameplaySublevel_SupplyDrops_Original” then made edits to the one without the “_Original” extension. Once my edits were made, I made a copy of the newly edited sublevel and named it “PersistentGameplaySublevel_SupplyDrops_MyMapedits”. Now I have my edited version and a copy of the original in case good times go bad. Also, when the devkit updates, all I have to do is delete the newly overwritten “PersistentGameplaySublevel_SupplyDrops”, copy “PersistentGameplaySublevel_SupplyDrops_MyMapedits” rename it “PersistentGameplaySublevel_SupplyDrops” and it’s good to go.
If you want to add a whole new component like the floating islands or a “Raptor Clause”, you just make your new map file, add in the actors you want and cook it the same way. In the pic below I have it set to cook the PersistentGameplaySublevel_SupplyDrops & a modified version of “Raptor Clause” named “TheIsland_StarkWars”. It’s a Star Destroyer instead of a Raptor and it drops escape pods with loot instead of presents