Map errors and crashes by booting project the disk to another computer

I am getting several errors in my main map called “thirdpersonmap”.
when I load the map I get these errors:

LogSlate: InvalidateAllWidgets triggered.  All widgets were invalidated
LogContentBundle: [ThirdPersonMap(Standalone)] Deleting container.
MapCheck: New page: Map Check
LightingResults: New page: Lighting Build
LogAudio: Display: Audio Device unregistered from world 'None'.
LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took   1.62ms
LogWorldSubsystemInput: UEnhancedInputDeveloperSettings::bEnableWorldSubsystem is false, the world subsystem will not be created!
LogChaos: FPhysicsSolverBase::AsyncDt:-1.000000
LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world Untitled
LogAudio: Display: Audio Device (ID: 1) registered with world 'Untitled'.
LoadErrors: New page: New Map
LogPackageName: Warning: FPackagePath::TryFromMountedName was passed an ObjectPath (/Game/ThirdPerson/Maps/ThirdPersonMap.ThirdPersonMap) rather than a PackageName or FilePath; it will be converted to the PackageName. Accepting ObjectPaths is deprecated behavior and will be removed in a future release; TryFromMountedName will fail on ObjectPaths.
LogWorldSubsystemInput: UEnhancedInputDeveloperSettings::bEnableWorldSubsystem is false, the world subsystem will not be created!
LogAssetEditorSubsystem: Opening Asset editor for World /Game/ThirdPerson/Maps/ThirdPersonMap.ThirdPersonMap
LogWorldPartition: Actor /Game/ThirdPerson/Maps/ThirdPersonMap.ThirdPersonMap:PersistentLevel.REINST_BP_RefuelPointHelper_C_UAID_BCD0742485EB1D2802_1905097839 is unreachable without properly detaching object /Game/__ExternalActors__/ThirdPerson/Maps/ThirdPersonMap/5/ZM/2FL5QXMP2WO5TH3QKTVZPN.PackageMetaData in its package

I am using mac osx, however everything seems to work correctly.
I also however get a message wraps that there are invalid actors and to press the “REPAIR” button but I think pressing that does not solve the problem.
This same project and in particular this map, if it is always opened on UE 5.2.1 on a windows computer, when trying to open it it crashes.

The error seems to be an actor not found “illegal character” content/thirdperson/map/thirdpersonmap/1G/8/_CL64CWF0KLGUZLNK0R1F4Y.uasset

The problem is that this actor even searching by IDName in the project open on mac does not exist in the map, so how do I track it down to solve it?