I’ve been playing with UE5 built in water system, but I also have an inexpensive waterfall I purchased from the Market Place.
I’m wondering before I do it, if I build a pond and stream, using UE’s water, will it play nice with a waterfall made of a different material?
If I was to guess, I’d say that there could easily be an issue with the water in the waterfall, not looking anything like UE’s water in the pond, yes?
And while I’m asking about water, I’ve seen the warnings regarding UE’s water about it being under development. If it is subject to change, and I plan on completing a project with UE’s water, would that be a mistake at this point?
Will a spline based waterfall work using UE’s Water Body River, if you want to take it over a fall?
Finally I am watching an early UE5 Water Tutorial, and it looks like in the early days of UE5, that when you brought in a Water Body Lake, it no longer digs it’s own hole the landscape as is happens in this tutorial. In fact you can set the water depth, and it will dig down on it’s own, just based on the water setting.
This is what I saw in the tutorial. I’ll assume an updated changed this, so you have to create a depression in the landscape you want for the water, which would make sense to me.
Are there settings still around that let a water body dig it’s own hole in the ground?