Map array cause Error on my verse code

Let me ask Error causing map array on my verse code.
Refering to
4. Tracking Players Using Maps | Epic Developer Community (

I implement the following code:

PlayerScore : [player]int = map{}
    var AgentScore : int = 0
        Playspace: fort_playspace = GetPlayspace()
        var AllPlayers: []player = Playspace.GetPlayers()
        for (Agent : AllPlayers, TeamPlayer := player[Agent], FortCharacter := TeamPlayer.GetFortCharacter[]):
            if(set PlayerScore[TeamPlayer] = 0, WeaponTier := PlayerScore[TeamPlayer]):

However, on my code, Error as the attached picture occur.
I cannot find what is difference between my verse code and official document.
Could you give me some hints?


PlayerScore map does not have var written before it

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Thank you very much!

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