Many actors in Blueprint and bad performance

I’m currently making endless running mobile game where performance is very important. I’m spawning blocks (one block = one blueprint) with coins and obstacles… Aproximately it’s about 20-30 objects (static mesh components) in one Blueprint and it’s not good for performance on my Nexus 5. When that Blueprint spawning FPS drops from 60 to 40 and after 1-2 second it returns to 60… So my game from time to time freezes about 1 second… When I remove some objects from Blueprint it works good but visuals don’t look good… Also actor merging resolve that problem but these objects must be separate for example coins which are destroyed after collision with pawn…
Do you have any idea how to resolve this?

I would spread in time spawning blueprints, 1 BP per frame of course if it is possible or create object pool - if object should be destroyed/ move somewhere in the scene where player can’t see it, disable collision etc.