Is there a way to manually tick the animation state machine? I am trying to play a montage that covers the transition between two animation states, but because the montage having full blend weight stops the state machine from ticking, it is causing a frame where the animation jumps back to the original state before transitioning to the final state.
Essentially what I want to do is this:
Start in State 1 → Start AnimMontage → Switch condition to allow transition to State 2 and force transition checks → transition to state 2 in the background → AnimMontage Ends → Be in State 2.
What happens when I try to do this is:
Start in State 1 → Start AnimMontage → Switch condition to allow transition to State 2 → AnimMontage Ends → Blends to State 1 for one frame → Transition to state 2 on next frame.
Is this something that’s possible to do with animmontages?
I am currently working around it by doing all my animations for this in the animgraph, but I need really precise timing for the animations, and it seems like the only way to really get frame perfect timing of animation starts is with Animmontage.
Any good way to handle this situation?
The one possible solution I’ve found for this is to always have the state machine blending with my FinalAnimation pose with a blend weight of something really tiny (0.00001 or something), but I really don’t like the idea of needing it to blend the animation when all I want to do is check the transitions all the time.
I don’t like this solution, but I’m putting it here just because it’s something I’ve already tried and it works, but it’s hacky and ugly.
Anybody have any ideas on this? Really stuck on what to do to get around this.
So I’ve come up with a better solution, but I’m still not convinced it is the best solution. I’d still prefer manually checking for state machine transitions when I know I should be transitioning to another animation state during a montage. That said, here’s my temporary solution.
So most of our animation states are single pose states. If I have a transition between states that happens during a montage, I add a blend out pose to the end of my actual state using the same condition as the transition to blend to to avoid the one frame where we’d blend to the first state before transitioning to the second one.
I’m still not in love with this idea, but I think it’s better than my other solution of constantly ticking the animation state.