Manually set state in Animation State Machine

I have a fairly complex character animation setup with a large Animation State Machine with many states, with many transitions going back and forth between numerous states.

I have tried searching for ways to directly override the state machine via blueprints, but has not yet found a way to explicitly change the current state manually.

From the character blueprint, I’d like to force the state machine in the animation blueprint to change without having to create transitions to every other state to this new state.

There is a node called Set State, but I don’t understand what the Update Context and Node should be connected to. Or are there other ways of achieving this?

I’ve just learned about State Aliases, which could help declutter my state machine and make many-to-one state transitions easier.

But there are still situations where forcing a state machine change via blueprints would be great, so any hints appreciated :slight_smile:

You could also try casting from the character BP to its anim BP? You can execute animations directly from the character BP? Anim Notifies, I do believe are visible from both BP classes.

Thanks for your reply. I’m specifically looking for ways to override the state machine by setting a specific state from another blueprint. For instance, when the player is receiving damage, it will go to the damage state in the state machine from whatever state it’s currently in.

I also need to do this. If something resets my state machine then it’s not entering the Enter transition. So I need to fix it manually ?