Manually selection of the GPU


I’m trying to use Unreal with my 2080 Ti (so I can use it with Ray Tracing), but it automatically selects the 1080 Ti (I can see it through Performances on Task Manager of Windows).
Is there a way to do it?

In my setup I’ve 4 GPUs (2 x 1080 Ti, 2 x 2080 Ti) no SLI.

Thanks in advance

I’ve 4 GPUs (2 x 1080 Ti, 2 x 2080 Ti)
no SLI.

Punch this into the console:

r.GraphicsAdapter ?

It will show you instructions in the Output Log on how to choose adapters. It defaults to -1 which will be whatever is in the top slot, favouring a non-integrated GPU - not 100% sure about that, though.

Do tell if it worked.