Manny and Quinn Simple wrong weapon/socket ?

Hello guys,
I’m here to ask you why Manny Simple and Quinn Simple have some weapon/socket wrong

  • If you look at Manny or quinn simple mesh
  • weapon_l is on hand_r
  • weapon_r is on the ground

Are you gonna fix it for manny and quinn simple ?


Ran into this as well. It seems that using the Preview Mesh SKM_Manny_Simple or SKM_Quinn_Simple causes the bones to show up in those unexpected places. Using SKM_Manny or SKM_Quinn will make it so that they show up in the expected locations. The ‘simple’ skeleton has less bones and the ‘non-simple’ one has more. I’m guessing if you want to use those bones, you need to be using a skeletal mesh that is properly set up for the ‘non-simple’ skeleton.