Manipulation of an object by interacting with another?

The two main things I can think of that I want to do, is an elevator, and a door that opens when you click on something nearby. I have an idea how to make a door open, but not how to do it via some other object.

What exactly do you want to achieve? It’s hard to help without you giving the proper details. What do you mean by ‘via some other object’? The player needs to have a specific object eqiupped? Or maybe you want another object to touch the door in order to open it?

Yeah, like a button on the side of the door rather than the actual door itself. Or for say a puzzle in which clicked certain things in order to get things to working.

I don’t know how familiar you are with Blueprints, but you should create an Actor class for your button (or any other object) and your door. On the door Blueprint, you could create a Timeline for handling the opening/closing animation, which could be triggered by a Custom Event. On your button class, you will have to store a reference to the door you want it to control. This could be achieved by creating a door type variable, setting it to ‘Editable’, and assigning a value to it from the already placed doors on the level. Then, when the button is interacted simply use your stored door reference and invoke the custom event you have set up on your door in order to trigger the animation on it.

It may sound complicated, but it really isn’t, here is listed what you need to have:

Door Bluerpint:
-Custom Event that executes a Timeline which is responsible for the door animation

Button Blueprint:
-Door reference
-Event that is executed when the button is interacted->calls the Custom Event on the Door Blueprint by using the stored Door reference