ManifestRequirementsOverride.txt Not Working

I’ve been trying to remove permissions READ_PHONE_STATE and GET_ACCOUNTS, but my ManifestRequirementsOverride.txt doesn’t get registered. I’ve even gone into UEDeployAndroid.cs to change the manifest generation, but it doesn’t change it. What am I doing wrong?



Hello TalkingIsGreat,

If you’re still experiencing this problem, can you take a look at this post? It may be good to be checking the AndroidManifest.xml to see if the changes are being committed. Are you sure that you’re placing the ManifestRequirementsOverride.txt in the correct directory? I’m not familiar using this but it may need to placed in different directories based off the build configuration.

Hello Matthew,
Thanks for replying! Yes, I had taken a look at the post even before I wrote this one. The AndroidManifest.xml does not change after packaging. I have tried deleting the entire APK file within ProjectName\Intermediate\Android. ManifestRequirementsOverride.txt is inside ProjectName\Intermediate\Android\APK. There’s a forum post that I made on this issue. Staff has replied to me, but I have yet to try the method out. If it does work, I’ll provide the forum post link and set it as an answer.

Thanks for replying, once again.

My issue was resolved in this post:

Why is the post with the solution MISSING??!!?