What im trying to accomplish is, the default character for the third person project has a walk state as i can see. And i can see in the character movement component that you can set the max walk speed, and once you lower that enough he begins to walk.
Im trying to make it so that if you SCROLL the mouse wheel down a notch, it will make him move a little slower. And then if you move it down one more notch, he will slow down even more. I want to have about 3-4 levels of this, with the lowest one being a steady walk. And then do the same thing, except scrolling up each notch to bring him back to normal speed. Similar to how splinter cell chaos theory on pc is with default controls.
How can i do this with blueprints?
Hey Leetmus,
I’ve created a solution which will allow you to easily change to your settings. You will need to create two variable floats. One will be for Max Speed, the other will be for Variable Speed. By changing the Make Literal Float to 150, and then changing the Max Speed to something that it can be divided by. So lets say 600 / 4 = 150, you can go up and down between the range. I tried doing it with floats to eliminate the math, but something with the expression isn’t accurate enough to allow such. Maybe I’m doing something wrong but I’ll have to try it out another time. Either way, I hope this works well for you.
This is so cool! Blows my mind how some of you guys come up with this stuff, im not the best programmer, so i usually struggle with making blueprints that work effectively. Never get compile errors, but usually it seems to just do nothing when i make a blueprint. Did some adjustments to the numbers and this is amazing, very very good for stealth games. Just for educational purposes what is the difference between a literal float, and a float? When i tried making this, i was using all floats, i wouldnt have thought of making a literal float. Could you educate me a little bit?
I was happy to have come up with something nice. The difference is that the value is the source. Its exactly how its written to the machine. So for example, how we link the “Variable Speed” to another float. That wouldn’t be literal because its value is pointing somewhere else within the machine. Making floats by using Float + Float then linking the output is also not a literal float. But the values within the individual Float + Float values, assuming it not linked are literal.
I would suggest going through the examples and studying what Epic and their team does in Blueprint. That is how I found out about it and how I’ve learned thus far.