Making thing inbetween player cam disaper

I’m trying to make things go invisible that come between the cam and player in a top-down game. but during testing NPC and enemies that were below it went invisible . so i tried to add and expectation but its not working. im trying to get the parent actor so its all the npcs. the npcs are made off of the parent.

I can think of two other solutions:
1- you need to define a channel and use it for the line trace, so you have to set this channel for objects you want to be invisible
2- use a capsule component and BeginOverlap and EndOverlap event to handle objects in between, just you should make the capsule to be the same size as spring arm and the same about location and rotation.

I tried what you said with the define a channel and use it for the line trace. I add a trace channel with it set to block but know things a going invisible without me going near them.