Making sure everything is in one component with cli

So I’m making a batch script to run Reality Capture in CLI, but I’m running into an issue where sometimes I end up with multiple components. If I were doing it by hand I’d just rerun alignment and it would most likely get condensed into a singe component, but I can seem to find a way to do that automatically.

I’d like to have my script run alignment, then check to see if there were multiple components, and if so rerun alignment until there’s only one. Is there some way of doing this?

Dear John,
unfortunatelly there is no command that will export just number of components.

You can use -minComponentSize command to define minimal number of cameras in component. And then you can use -exportComponent command that will export all components that thave at least the -minComponentSize number of cameras. Then you can check number of files …

We will add request for number of components exporting in CLI to our backlog.