Making Spawn Points Work in Order?

In my project, I’ve set myself up a custom Player Start with a variable called “Character Index”, which indicates which of my eight characters should spawn there. I’ve managed to get them all to spawn at their proper locations, but I’ve noticed some oddities with indexes regarding some later blueprints down the line that are causing me some trouble (such as UI healthbars changing on two different characters simultaneously for some reason and assigned indexes in some cases not matching the character’s index). After doing some print string testing with the blueprint that handles character spawning, I’ve found that the spawn points are not being added to their array in the correct order and I believe this may be at least one root of my other issues.

This is my solution (though I haven’t yet tested to see if it fixes any other issues), but I’m pretty sure there has to be a better way to do this. I’m pretty much just trying to get each of my Player Starts to be placed in the array of spawn points at the index that matches their assigned Character Index (and I’m thinking that I’ll need to have the ability to leave certain index values empty if the relevant character is set to not spawn).

How about this?:

This works. However, you can just grab AllActors and then sort in order of their character_index.

Yes, but then they’re not in an array.

Works great! Now I just have to see if this makes any difference down the line…

Thanks so much!