Making several arrays/sets with loops and data tables problem.

Hey there,

I think I just need another pair of eyes, or maybe I’m missing an obvious node.

I’m creating sets, I need information pulled from a data table and put into 10 arrays.

In my head it’s just having for example a Map with 10 arrays in it, But after some googling it’s called something like nesting and isn’t possible mostly.

There seems to be ways around it, such as using another widget/blueprint as a container, but it feels convoluted.

Is there a way to create several arrays/sets dynamically.

I’m left at make set but…now what? How do I store 10 Sets.

What do I add the sets too for storage?

Thanks for reading :slight_smile:

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Hmm thinking about it,

I think I’m going around this entirely the wrong way.

I want to be making them its own widget I create and then populate the dynamic widgets with each loops information like ive done previously.

I’m starting too far down the chain. I should Be starting at the beginning.

I’ll be back.

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Ok yeah I was being an idiot and looking too closely, Sometimes you gotta zoom out a bit. This is how I’ve currently fixed my issue.

For anyone following along Or maybe just for me later to avoid this again.

It’s nothing to do with trying to group arrays for use.

It’s that you don’t need to group arrays at all, You just have to insert them dynamically.

Here you can see I created the Images dynamically to be inserted into a grid.

And then inside of each created widget.

The Infomation for each piece is created before being checked against a difference for a branch.

Man… Sometimes you just wanna scream like boris in goldeneye. :joy:

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