Making Player 'rotate' or run around point until stop is specified

  1. set a collision on that object
  2. place 2 points around the object to player move on them (running around the object)
  3. when the character comes in collision cast to him to move between 2 points (you can use a boolean for movement if false stop running)
  4. if the player hit F key stop Step 3 and continue to run(you can use a boolean for movement if true start running)

Hello, I am quite new to Unreal Engine, and I have been working with the blueprint scripting system for a bit, but I have hit a bit of a block while working on a game to help me get practice with unreal. The game essentially has a player start with a set x velocity of around 1000, so that the character is always running in a straight line. I want the player to continue moving straight until the player moves within range of another object. Once the player is within range, I want the character to start running around the object until a key is pressed (F for example) to signify that the character should stop running around the point and continue moving in a straight line. (I am using the top down Gamemode to give me some pre-made control of the mouse)

I understand how to do the distance checking for the player and the object, to see if the player is within a reasonable distance to start running around the object, but I do not understand how to actually make the character run around the object in a perfect, or near perfect circle until a key is pressed.

Sorry for the lengthy post, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.

Thank you! I will try this as soon as I can. I also had one question, would it be possible to change the trigger for the running around the object from proximity to the player clicking the target to run around?

more detail pls.