I’m trying to add physics based animation to a simple project created from the side-scroller template. I was reading the documentation found at Physics Driven Animation in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation and based on it I changed the side scroll-er character blueprint to contain logic for enabling physics:
When I hit play I can see the wires firing off from EventTick and going all the way to setting blend weights on bones, but physics simulations are not blended with animations. Nothing I did so far triggered physics.
Reading the documentation carefully I saw this note:
Skeletal Meshes are used in this
example for overall simplicity. The
same techniques can be applied to a
Character or Pawn, simply by utilizing
the Set All Bodies Simulate Physics
and Set All Bodies Below Physics Blend
Weight nodes within the Animation
Blueprint’s Event Graph, rather than
on a simple Blueprint Actor’s Event
Graph, as we do in this example.
So I moved logic for enabling physics blending to the animation blueprint, but now I have a few questions see image:
Made a cast from Pawn Owner to SideScrollerCharacter to get the mesh mut still no luck: